Products / Box Truss / Middle-duty truss 16 x 16
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Middle-duty truss 16 x 16

Middle-duty truss 16 x 16

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Technical information

  • 2” x 3/16” main chords
  • 1” x 1/8” diagonals with steel spigots as standard
  • Available in 2’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6, 8’, 10’ lengths as standard
  • Four sides of diagonal braces available upon request
  • 7.5, 15, 22.5, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degree corner gates available
  • Trouble-free assembly is ensured by its unisex fork pattern with vertical pin orientation
  • The use of a gate system, rather than conventional fixed corners, allows for easy corner creation

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Basic info

Discover the strength of our 16 x 16 Middle Duty truss, which is a new truck pack friendly truss size that
delivers over a 50% increase in load capacity compared to our existing Light Duty 12 x 12  spigoted truss,
but in a considerably smaller form factor than our Medium Duty 20.5 x 20.5 truss.  In fact, you can fit over
twice as many Middle Duty truss sections in the same truck space compared to our 20.5 x 20.5 truss!
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